More psuedo-on-goings of my trip to NY, NY. + more
+ comments: 1
+ categories: All About Seth, Computers, Family/Friends, Travel/Vacations, Web Stuff
Psuedo-on-goings of my trip to NY, NY. + more
+ comments: 3
+ categories: All About Seth, Computers, Family/Friends, Travel/Vacations, Web Stuff, Work
More and more people are clamoring about Twitter. I don't think I understood why. Well, maybe I do, now. + more
+ comments: 5
+ categories: All About Seth, Computers, Family/Friends, Pop Culture, Web Stuff
The extended Spider-Man 3 trailer never looked so, uh, strange? + more
+ comments: 5
+ categories: Computers, Movies, Television, WTF, Web Stuff
My mind is everywhere today. Instead of making three separate posts, how about just one? + more
+ comments: 1
+ categories: All About Seth, Computers, Dwellings, Funny, Ha Ha, KC, Movies, WTF, Web Stuff
The other day I posted an entry with the question, “how long will it take a spammer to find an email address on my web site and send spam to it?” Some readers took a shot at guessing how long... + more
+ comments: 4
+ categories: Computers, Family/Friends, Web Stuff
Seeing as I've been somewhat pre-occupied with spams lately, I'm going to conduct an experiment. It's one that you can all join in on, too. What's the experiment, you ask? How long will it take a spammer to find an... + more
Hmmm. What to do, whaaaaat to do... Say, hypothetically, that I really needed to send out a spam email with the words “valium, viagra, cialis and xanax” in it. The problem is, I couldn’t actually put those words in it... + more
+ comments: 1
+ categories: Advertising, Computers, Web Stuff
Last night I was explaining to Bruno and Ashlee that during high school I became a recluse to music. My stereo was stolen out of my car, and for several years after that I never replaced it. I quickly became... + more
+ comments: 4
+ categories: All About Seth, Computers, Music, Pop Culture, Web Stuff
In July, as I was installing Adobe CS2 on my PC at work, I encountered a few hiccups. In software, that’s to be expected. But now that I installed CS2 on my mac, I’m beginning to think that the people... + more
Getting new (or updates to) software is one of the silliest, yet coolest, feelings a tech nerd can have. There’s nothing quite like unwrapping the box, plopping that cd (or dvd) into your computer’s drive and installing whatever new program.... + more
When taking a survey today, I encountered the following usability issue: Okay, I’ll take some of the blame for not comprehending the question completely... but there’s a bigger issue going on here. As users gain experience on the internet, they’re... + more
If you haven’t noticed the web world around you, some new and exciting things are taking place. I’m referring to Web 2.0 – or what we are coining the second phase of architecture and application development for the web (RSS,... + more
+ comments: 8
+ categories: Computers, Pop Culture, WTF, Web Stuff
We recently completed a new project for a client of ours at SHS – a Yahoo!, and Apple Dashboard, widget. Widgets are usually smaller, self-contained programs that run on a user’s desktop. Some require internet access and others run independently... + more
+ comments: 4
+ categories: Computers, Things I've Made, This Is Cool, Web Stuff, Work
It’s been a long while since I preached to everyone about switching over to Firefox from Internet Explorer. It was such a hot topic with me at the time, that I even preached about it a second time. Well, it’s... + more
Ever since I reported receiving comment spam last week, I’ve started to notice some odd things about the spammed comments that have been submitted. It’s not so much the names of the commenters, or the way the comment(s) are structured,... + more
+ comments: 2
+ categories: Computers, This Site, WTF, Web Stuff
UPDATE: This is no longer an available offering from Apple. No reason(s) has been given as to why it isn’ available anymore, it just isn’t, sorry. Geniuses. That’s what they are. First Apple releases an inexpensive cpu into the market... + more
If you're like me, then you're on a computer over eight hours a day. Whether it's emailing, browsing, coding, designing, etc., I'm on the computer. I get tired of using the mouse and, chances are, I'm not using it correctly... + more
For those of you who don't know, my computer is back and home and is running better than I've ever seen it. I've had it for more than one week now and not a single program has crashed. I'm... + more
There's no hiding the truth that I've had some problems recently with my PowerBook. I'll gladly admit when something isn't right and I'll take all the lashings that pro-PCers will dish. With me, it's a personal preference really... at home... + more
So, I took my computer back in to the Apple store today. Still having problems. How aggravating. Also added an XML feed for my links section on the right hand side of the page. Now you can enjoy all of... + more
I just returned from the Apple Store on the Plaza after picking up my computer! I'm excited to have it back... it's been nothing but final-unpacking and catch-up television this week. Now, instead of being lazy and pushing the fast-forward... + more
About four months ago my computer started to really freak out. I'm not sure how else to describe it, but "freak" seems to be the appropriate term here. What was it doing? Well, Safari would quit unexpectedly, Mail would quit... + more
If you don't own a piece of Virus Scan software, don't you worry your little head anymore. I've recently found six online virus scanners for your computer. Just go to any of the following sites (see below), and follow the... + more
My computer has decided to give up for a while. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, and won't until I return to KC. So, please excuse the lack of posts until I return... at which point I will... + more