That Surprised Seth!
This is what I look like when I'm surprised about something that I read on the internet:

What was it that I was so surprised about? Was it:
- The fact that the CDC has posted a 101 for the Zombie Apocalypse?
- Community's Doctor Who spoof?
- Baseball had an amazing night. Now we just need to do something about a 162-game season.
- That I was on ESPN 1420 Honolulu Sports Radio to talk about last week's (horrible) Arkansas-Alabama game? (and no, I can't get an mp3 of the show, grrrrrrr)
- Because I finished my latest Star Wars book and found out that the series conclusion doesn't come out until next MAY?
- Upcoming concerts attended will include Death Cab for Cutie and Wilco?
- Hand me another bucket said six-piece seturn?
Or, none of the above?
+ original post date: September 30, 2011 07:01 AM
+ categories: All About Seth
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It's G.
+ author: Todd
+ posted: September 30, 2011 07:13 AM
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