
1600 Mile Christmas and More

This is a visual representation of my brand new iPhone.Nearly every holiday for the past seven years has been a load of driving for me. I live in Kansas City – and none of my family does. That automatically means that I'm driving somewhere for the holidays. For the past fiveish Thanksgivings and Christmases, I've split my holiday-break time amongst my different relatives' places. This year, while being no different, was actually a bit larger than before. Instead of the normal 1,000 mile trek from KC to central Arkansas, my Jetta racked up over 1,600 miles.

But, as I said on my Facebook profile, this year was an incredible Christmas. Here are some of the highlights:

Lots of driving, but lots of thoughtful and kick-ass gifts.

Oh, I almost forgot the other thing that I got over the break – a 24-hour stomach flu. Yes, right on Christmas Eve and into Christmas day. Santa sure didn't forget me this year and I was so very thankful for it, too.

I hope everyone's holiday was amazing and I'm looking forward to 2008. See you on the flip-side.

+ original post date: December 29, 2007 09:23 AM
+ categories: All About Seth, F-Town, Family/Friends, Holidays


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