
2007 Snoreboarding Trip Numbers

I’ll tell you what. Snowboarding is a very fun thing to do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s always nice to be back home from a vacation. There’s just something about being up on a mountain, running into trees and having snow/ice freeze to the thing you want to call a beard (but really isn’t, because you can’t successfully grow one, yet), that Kansas City can’t quite give you.

So yes, I’m back. This year’s trip was a bit shorter, only because we can all afford to fly now. Seeing as we’ve been around Colorado the past three years, we decided to embark on Park City, Utah, and hit up The Canyons. Here’s how the trip wound up in numbers:


The Flight

The Condo

Park City, Utah

Meals of Food

The Canyons (see pdf map)



+ original post date: February 3, 2007 08:36 AM
+ categories: Family/Friends, Funny, Ha Ha, Movies, Television, Travel/Vacations


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